Spring TX Gastrointestinal Doctor

Are you looking for a reliable Spring TX gastrointestinal doctor? Perhaps you’re wondering what a gastrointestinal doctor is? Maybe you’re wondering what they can examine and what treatments they offer. Or perhaps, you’re searching for one because your primary care doctor referred you to one.

Spring TX Gastrointestinal Doctor
Having uncomfortable issues with your digestive tract? Meet a Spring TX Gastrointestinal Doctor for help.

A few other names you can call a gastrointestinal doctor are GI doctor or stomach doctor. As the alternative names imply, these doctors are specialists that focus on your digestive system.

Unlike your general care physicians, these digestive specialists have extensive knowledge about what happens with the food you consume. From when you eat to when your body removes waste, these stomach doctors have a deep understanding of the entire process.

Your primary care doctor will only refer you to a stomach doctor if you need either more specialized tests or treatment. If you’ve been experiencing pain or symptoms concerning your digestive system, then that’s probably the reason why.

Spring TX Gastrointestinal Doctor

As stated before, gastrointestinal doctors are specialists that focus on your digestive system. They have a deep understanding of how food moves and chemically breaks down in your body. Since they understand how everything works, they also know when something’s wrong.

Of course, since these doctors understand the process, they also have knowledge of the organs that take part in that process. They have an understanding of the esophagus, stomach, intestines, colon, and rectum.

Although, they also know about the liver, gallbladder, pancreas, and biliary ducts. However, if there’s an issue with any of those organs, they may direct you to a liver specialist.

There are also other digestive specialists who decided to focus on a certain aspect. In some cases, you may get treated by one of them if your case is specific enough.

With their knowledge, they can give you a diagnosis and treatment plan that’ll help your condition.

A Stomach Doctor’s Credentials

Any Spring TX gastrointestinal doctor goes through a long period of study and training. After completing their courses in medical college, they move on to their residency. Usually, this is another two to three years of residency in internal medicine. Afterward, they may go through another two to three years of residency in gastroenterology.

However, that’s not the end of the line for them yet. After these potential stomach doctors’ residency period, they enter a fellowship. A medical fellowship is a rigorous program where doctors interact with patients, recommend treatments, and help prevent any digestive tract issues.

In this fellowship, they’ll also learn how to perform specific procedures. These methods include learning endoscopic procedures along with colonoscopy and other imaging techniques.

Only after they’ve completed years of study can they attempt the certification exam. When they pass, they’ll finally be certified gastroenterologists with the American Board of Internal Medicine.

So now you know that you’re in capable hands with a certified stomach doctor.

What Stomach Doctors Cover

Stomach doctors focus on disorders and illnesses concerning the GI tract and system, that is, the digestive system. If your primary care doctor notices you’re experiencing specific symptoms pertaining to it, they’ll refer you to a GI doctor.

So, what are some illnesses and disorders that stomach doctors are on the lookout for? A few diseases are irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and other bowel diseases, acid reflux, jaundice, and hepatitis. If there are any symptoms leading to these, they’ll be able to diagnose and treat you.

They can also take care of liver diseases and pancreatitis (pancreas inflammation). However, if there’s a deeper issue that may need someone with expertise, they may refer you to a liver specialist instead.

If you’re experiencing any common digestive symptoms, you may want to contact your doctor or a specialized stomach doctor. These symptoms can include rectal bleeding, diarrhea, pale-colored stool, heartburn, abdominal pain, and excessive gas or belching.

Spring TX Gastrointestinal Doctor
We can perform most diagnostic procedures at our clinic.

You may also want to contact a GI doctor as you grow older in age. After the age of 50, certain people have a higher risk of colon or rectal cancer. They may want to start routine checkups to catch any early signs of cancer.

Possible Procedures and Treatments

When a stomach doctor starts diagnosing and treating you, they may do a few tests to narrow down what could be wrong. The most common procedure is an endoscopy. This procedure type of ultrasound examines the upper and lower digestive tract and some neighboring organs.

If an endoscopy can’t identify the issue, they may turn to some other in-depth procedures. Most of them are imaging procedures that focus on different parts of the digestive system, although they may also take a biopsy in other cases.

Once they figure out the cause of your issues, they’ll prescribe treatment. Often, they may prescribe medicine that’ll reduce internal inflammation or help ease your stomach pain. Other times, however, they may advise you on a new diet.

In the worst-case scenarios, they may have to consult with a surgeon or other medical professional about your case. If a disease wasn’t caught early enough or the situation spiraled out of control, you may need an organ transplant. However, that’s only in the worst-case scenario, and they’ll try everything else at their disposal before suggesting surgery.

Contacting a Stomach Doctor

Spring TX Gastrointestinal Doctor
Call our office or schedule your appointment online!

Stomach issues aren’t uncommon. An upset stomach may not be something to go to the doctor for, but sometimes even minor symptoms can mean something. If they’re persistent and occur frequently, you may want to get them checked out.

You may have realized some symptoms and searched up what they could mean. Of course, you shouldn’t trust every piece of medical advice on the Internet. If you notice something unusual happening internally, you should contact a doctor so they can diagnose you.

Sometimes, even your primary care doctor can’t tell what’s wrong. In these cases, they’ll refer you to a specialist who can do further tests. The sooner a doctor diagnoses and treats you, the fewer issues you’ll encounter later. If you’re in need of a Spring TX gastrointestinal doctor, contact the office of Katy Stomach Doctor James Maher.

Spring, TX Fun Facts:

  • Spring is located between Harris and Montgomery counties.
  • The area was originally inhabited by Orcoquiza Native Americans.
  • Before a railroad connected the area, the city was an agriculture town that farmed cash crops like sugar cane and cotton.
  • For more fun facts, visit Harris County’s official site.