Acid Reflux Doctor | Cypress, TX

GI Dr Waller County, TX

Looking for an acid reflux doctor Cypress, TX to help with your stomach problems? At Katy Stomach Doctor, you can find the expert care you need for this common digestive issue from Dr. James Maher, our board-certified gastroenterologist.

What is acid reflux? Millions of people across the globe suffer from acid reflux, which is medically referred to as gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). This sickness happens when stomach acid goes back into the esophagus, which is the tube that goes from the mouth to the stomach.
acid reflux doctor Cypress, TX
Dr. Maher is a talented acid reflux doctor Cypress, TX.

People who have acid reflux sometimes can usually control it by making changes to their lifestyle and taking over-the-counter medicines. But if you have GERD often or severely, you may need to see an acid reflux doctor to avoid complications and improve your quality of life. Katy Stomach Doctor is the perfect place for you.

What Leads to Needing an Acid Reflux Doctor Cypress, TX?

Acid reflux that is severe or happens often can have a big effect on your quality of life and may mean you need to see an acid reflux doctor. Sometimes, changes to your lifestyle and over-the-counter medicines can help with acid reflux. But if the symptoms last long, you may need to see a doctor to avoid complications.

Heartburn is a burning feeling in the chest that often happens after eating or at night. It is one of the most common signs of acid reflux. Regurgitation, which feels like acid backing up into the throat or mouth, can also happen, giving food a sour or bitter taste. Another sign of acid reflux is dysphagia, which means it’s hard to swallow because stomach acid can irritate the esophagus.

A persistent cough, especially when you’re lying down or right after eating, is another sign of acid reflux. Stomach acid that gets into the throat can make you hoarse or give you a sore throat. Acid reflux can sometimes make asthma symptoms worse or even cause asthma attacks. Tooth decay and enamel wear down are two dental problems that can happen because of the acid.

If these symptoms happen often or get in the way of your daily life, you might need to see an acid reflux doctor. A stomach doctor, like Dr. James Maher at Katy Stomach Doctor, can look at your symptoms, do diagnostic tests to find out what’s causing your acid reflux, and suggest the best way to treat it so you can feel better and avoid further problems.

How Does Diagnosis and Evaluation Work?

GERD can be diagnosed, and its severity is assessed by an acid reflux doctor using a range of techniques. An effective treatment plan that is customized to the patient’s needs is developed using these methods. The following is a synopsis of the diagnostic procedures and tools used by stomach doctors to identify acid reflux:

  1. Medical History and Symptoms Assessment—Taking a thorough medical history and evaluating the patient’s symptoms are the initial steps for doctors. This sheds light on the causes and manifestations of acid reflux.
  2. Physical Examination—To look for symptoms of acid reflux, like soreness or inflammation in the throat or esophagus, a doctor may perform a physical exam.
  3. Upper Endoscopy / (Esophagogastroduodenoscopy or EGD)—During this procedure, a flexible tube containing a camera—an endoscope—is inserted through the mouth and into the esophagus, stomach, and duodenum. It allows the acid reflux doctor to look for inflammation or acid reflux-related damage in the lining of the esophagus and stomach.
  4. pH Monitoring—The acidity level of the esophagus can be measured over time with pH monitoring. This test is useful for diagnosing acid reflux and planning treatment because it measures the duration and frequency of episodes.
    acid reflux doctor Cypress, TX
    Make an appointment now.
  5. Imaging Studies—Imaging studies that allow visualization of the esophagus, stomach, and upper intestine are sometimes performed, for example, a barium swallow or an upper GI series. If you suspect that structural oddities or motility issues are causing your acid reflux, these tests can help.
  6. Manometry—One way to measure the strength and coordination of esophageal muscles is through esophageal manometry. This test can help determine if someone has achalasia or an esophageal motility disorder, which can cause acid reflux.
  7. Biopsy—The acid reflux doctor may collect biopsies from the stomach or esophagus lining during an upper endoscopy. Symptoms of inflammation, infection, or aberrant cell growth can be detected by examining these samples under a microscope.

Treatment Options

Acid reflux treatments try to lessen the number and severity of symptoms, heal the esophagus, and prevent complications. Making changes to your lifestyle is often the first thing that helps. For example, you could avoid trigger foods like spicy or fatty foods, stop smoking, and keep your weight healthy.

Certain over-the-counter medicines can help neutralize stomach acid and ease symptoms fast. But if your acid reflux is severe or does not go away, you may need to take prescription drugs. People are often given proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) to stop the stomach from making acid and let the esophagus heal. Another type of medicine that can lower the amount of acid made in the stomach is an H2 blocker.

In some cases, prokinetic agents may be prescribed to improve food movement through the stomach and reduce the risk of acid reflux. Surgical intervention may be suggested for people who do not get better with medicine or who have problems like Barrett’s esophagus or esophageal strictures. Fundoplication is one procedure that can help strengthen the lower esophageal sphincter and stop acid reflux.

acid reflux doctor Cypress, TX
We know what we’re doing.

Call Katy Stomach Doctor

If you need help with acid reflux or other stomach problems, Katy Stomach Doctor is the doctor you can trust. Our team, which board-certified gastroenterologist Dr. James Maher leads, gives you excellent services that are tailored to your needs. We can help you improve by giving you a full evaluation, using cutting-edge treatments and compassionate care, whether you have acid reflux, Crohn’s disease, or another gastrointestinal condition.

Those who have acid reflux or other stomach problems should get help now. The first step to better digestive health is to make an appointment with Katy Stomach Doctor right now. Call us or come to our office to meet Dr. Maher and the rest of our hardworking staff and find out why we’re known for giving great care for all your stomach needs.

Fun Facts about Cypress, Texas:

  • Cypress is a community in the northwest side of the Greater Houston Area.
  • Arrowheads have been found in Cypress that date back to around 7500 BC.
  • Cypress was largely settled by German immigrants.

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