Discover Our Efficient Stomach Doctor | 77406

When you visit Katy Stomach Doctor 77406, you can be sure to get the stomach and digestive services you need. Katy Stomach Doctor’s excellent team is on hand to provide the highest-quality and most effective gastroenterology healthcare. We handle all stomach-related diseases and problems with our highly expert services.

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Digestive disorders usually mean your body isn’t handling food properly. To fix your stomach issues, contact an expert stomach doctor today at Katy Stomach Doctor.

We have served our communities in Katy, TX, for many years. Our head doctor is Dr. James Maher, a board-certified gastroenterologist with fellowship training. We offer a myriad of services for all kinds of stomach diseases, including:

  • GERD
  • Crohn’s Disease
  • Hemorrhoid Barding
  • Hepatitis
  • Upper GI – Endoscopy
  • Colonoscopy
  • Colon cancer
  • And more.

So if you find your stomach ailing, do not wait a moment longer. Contact our expert office and see Dr. James Maher today at our Katy office location. We can get you the services you need today.

Find A Highly Expert Stomach Doctor 77406 Today

Our stomach doctor 77406 is the expert and renowned gastroenterologist expert, Dr. James Maher. He graduated from the University of Michigan and the Medical College of Virginia. In addition, he did a two-year fellowship in Gastroenterology at the University of California-Irvine, as well as an Internal Medicine residency. He also completed a one-year fellowship in Hepatology at the University of Southern Carolina.

As you can see, Dr. Maher is imminently qualified to resolve whatever stomach issue that has been plaguing you. His office also does clinical research in partnership with Biopharma Informatics. We do clinical trials for Crohn’s Disease, colorectal cancer screening, gastroparesis, Non-Corrosive Reflux Disease (NERD), ulcerative colitis, and more.

For a stomach doctor that can give you results, Dr. James Maher has the experience, expertise, and credentials you can trust. Moreover, our clinic accepts nearly all major insurance plans, from private insurance like Humana, Ambetter, and Cigna to Medicare.

stomach doctor 77406
Seek treatment right away if your illness is negatively affecting your lifestyle. Contact Katy Stomach Doctor 77406 today!

Explore Our Services

We do our best to deliver the high-quality stomach care you need. We prioritize our patients above all, offering the highest-quality patient care through our services and with the help of our peer-reviewed research.

At Katy Stomach Doctor, we offer colonoscopies, which can detect any abnormalities or changes in your colon or rectum. A colonoscopy includes installing a flexible tube with a tiny camera into your rectum, allowing the doctor to view the inside of the colon.

Colonoscopies take about 30 minutes to an hour, and they are crucial when it comes to detecting colon cancer. Colonoscopies can also provide information on intestinal signs and symptoms you may be experiencing. We also diagnose stomach diseases through X-rays, probe tests, and endoscopies.

Other Diseases

Other common stomach diseases we treat include GERD or Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease. This occurs when stomach acid frequently flows back into the tube connecting your mouth and stomach. This acid reflux irritates the lining of your esophagus, wearing it down. You may have GERD if you experience this acid reflux at least twice a week or once a week if it is moderate or severe.

The causes of GERD have to do with your sphincter, which is a circular band of muscle around the bottom of your esophagus. The sphincter relaxes to allow food and liquid to flow into your stomach. A weakened sphincter allows the stomach acid to flow back into the esophagus. This can lead to several complications, including the narrowing of your esophagus, bleeding in your upper GI, esophageal ulcers, and precancerous changes to the esophagus.

Risk factors for developing GERD include obesity, the bulging of the top of the stomach up into the diaphragm, pregnancy, connective tissue disorders such as scleroderma, and delayed stomach emptying. Smoking, eating large meals late at night, and eating certain foods such as fatty or fried foods can also aggravate your acid reflux.

To treat GERD, we provide antacids that neutralize stomach acid, as well as medications to reduce acid production. We also offer medications that block acid protection and heal the esophagus, strengthening the lower esophageal sphincter. If necessary, we can perform surgery through Linx device and fundoplication; this can help you avoid long-term medication use.

You may, on the other hand, have developed hemorrhoids, either internal or external. Hemorrhoids are caused by poor diet and exercise; other complications include constipation, a low-fat diet, pregnancy, heavy lifting, or an inactive lifestyle. You may have hemorrhoids if you have been suffering pain while sitting or when you attempt to sit, as well as anal discomfort and sore lumps in that area.

A painless, non-surgical solution for your hemorrhoid problem is hemorrhoid banding, which takes one minute or less to complete. We use a light suction device and gently maneuver it into the anal area, placing a band on hemorrhoid. This should allow it to shrivel up and pass safely through to your stool.

Katy Stomach Doctor is here to help resolve all of your stomach issues. If you suspect you may have a stomach-related disease or illness, contact us today to get started or drop by our office location. For more information about stomach diseases, you can also rifle through our educational blog.

stomach doctor 77406
A stomach doctor like Dr. John Maher specializes in the digestive system. Contact his clinic today!

Katy Stomach Doctor Is Here To Help

Our incredible clinic can help solve all of your stomach issues for good. Our services can ensure your digestive system will be restored to perfect health once more. Whether you are afflicted with Crohn’s Disease or have bacterial infections, our clinic can help you out.

For more information about our services, call us today or browse through our educational blog. You can request an appointment by calling us or through our website. Our clinic is comprehensive and full-service, part of the world-renowned Memorial Herman Hospital System – our Katy location is, in fact, right across the street!

So if you or your loved one are experiencing stomach trouble, please do not hesitate to contact Dr. James Maher today, your trusted stomach doctor 77406.

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  • Cinco Ranch’s sister community is called Elyson.
  • It has 11 pools and 17 tennis courts.
  • Cinco Ranch dates back to the 1820s.