Katy TX Colonoscopy Center Near Me

Are you looking for a Katy TX colonoscopy center near me? Katy Stomach Doctor is the option you need. Our office in Katy specializes in Gastroenterology.

Katy TX colonoscopy center near me
Dr.James Maher, M.D. A highly educated Gastroenterologist in the Katy TX area.

The doctor and staff are ready to help meet your needs while giving you the experience you deserve. The mission is to provide high-quality and effective healthcare to each patient that we see.

Katy Stomach Doctor offers comprehensive solutions and evaluations for all of the patients we see. Our field’s issues will be comprehensively and decisively solved by the best team of experts in the Katy, TX area.

Dr. Maher: Katy TX Colonoscopy Center Near Me

Our lead, Dr. Maher, is a board-certified gastroenterologist in Katy, Texas. Dr. Maher attended the University of Michigan and then continued to further his education by attending the Medical College of Virginia, graduating in the accelerated program.

Dr. Maher then returned to school and completed an Internal Medicine residency. He completed a one-year fellowship in Hepatology and, finally, a two-year fellowship in Gastroenterology, all at the University of California-Irvine.

Additionally, Dr. Maher is board certified in both Internal Medicine and Gastroenterology. Dr. Maher actively participates in continuous medical education and board recertification. His particular area of medicine is colon cancer, inflammatory bowel disease, and biliary tract disease.

Patient education is at the forefront of our clinic. We all believe that including our patients in their treatment plans and a thorough discussion of said treatment plans further helps us receive high-quality care.

Our patients are the reason we do what we do. Give our office a call today to schedule an appointment with Katy TX colonoscopy center near me.

Gastrologists: Definition, Conditions, and Procedures

Katy TX colonoscopy center near me
Katy TX colonoscopy center near me is here for you.

Gastrologists are special doctors that cater to a specific group of patients needing specialty care. Gastroenterology is the study of the functions and diseases of the stomach, intestines (small and large), esophagus, colon, rectum, and pancreas.

In addition to completing a doctorate degree, a gastroenterologist must complete an internal medicine residency and is then eligible for additional specialized training (fellowship) in Gastroenterology.

The fellowship includes training graduate students in Gastroenterology, passing the Medical College Admissions Test (MCAT) and the United States Medical Licensure Exam (USMLE).

Dr.Maher continues to improve upon his training and learn new and improved ways to incorporate treatment for his patients. One of the most important procedures we offer to our patients is a colonoscopy.

Do I need a colonoscopy?

A colonoscopy is a procedure that most doctors do not recommend until the age of 50 for those are have an average risk of developing colon cancer. However, Dr. Maher will take a look at your family history to determine if colon cancer is a determiner.

Colonoscopies detect changes or abnormalities in the colon and rectum. A flexible tube is inserted into the rectum, which includes a tiny video camera at the top of the tube, allowing the doctor to evaluate the entire colon inside. During this procedure, Dr. Maher will look for any abnormalities in the colon. If he finds anything at any time during the procedure, it will be removed and assessed for a biopsy.

We will notify you of any findings after the procedure is completed. A colonoscopy will take about 30 minutes to an hour. Your primary care doctor might recommend a colonoscopy with our clinic for many reasons:

  • Obtaining information on signs and symptoms related to the intestine that you experience. Furthermore, help and explore the causes of your symptoms
  • Perform screening for colon cancer
  • Preventative screening for patients with polyp history

Post Colonoscopy Procedure

After a colonoscopy procedure with Dr.Maher, it will be necessary to have someone take you home. The effects of sedation typically wear off fairly quickly, however, you will be told not to drive, work, or do any physical labor. Therefore, you will need a friend or family member to come to get you. Most people can return to normal activities within twenty-four hours. However, it is important to take things slow after the first week.

You’ll likely feel bloated and gassy after the colonoscopy. For clarification, this is normal. Your doctor inflates your colon with carbon dioxide to get a better view of your colon. So, your body will need to push out all the gas after the procedure.

Furthermore, you may also notice trace amounts of blood in your bowel. Small amounts of blood are normal, but let us know right away if you experience heavy or worsening bleeding.

Please contact us if you experience any of the following symptoms after the procedure is complete:

  • Fever of 100° or higher
  • Blood clots or constant bleeding afterward
  • Abdominal pain

Finally, you will receive the results of your procedure. If, at any point during the procedure, Dr. Maher finds concern, he can perform a biopsy and send a sample to the lab. Then, he will contact you with the lab results as soon as they’re in. Once the results are in, Dr. Maher will explain the results to you and inform you of the next steps if needed.

Are There Risks to Getting a Colonoscopy?

Katy TX colonoscopy center near me
Dr. Maher will inform you of any diet restrictions prior to your procedure. Afterward, these diet changes may remain in place for personal health reasons.

There are always precautions we take before any invasive or non-invasive surgery. However, the risk is relatively low for colonoscopies.

Usually, complications associated with a colonoscopy are an adverse reaction to anesthesia, bleeding, and colon perforation. But at Katy Stomach Doctor, we take extra measures to ensure the safety of our patients.

We want to help you in the best way possible. Don’t wait to contact us until it’s too late. If you are in pain or need a check-up then give our office a call at (281) 945-5190.

Katy Stomach Doctor, a Katy TX colonoscopy center near me is the best solution to your gastric problems.

Fun Facts about Katy TX:

  • Numerous UFO sightings are reported each month in Katy
  • Katy was once known as Cane Island after the Cane Island Creek, which runs west of the city’s center.
  • Houston is a 30 minute drive from Katy
  • Katy was originally known for its rice farming, which has dwindled through the years.
  • For more information about Katy TX, please visit our website.